47 Things Crazy Japan Does Differently to the Brits
There’s no country like it. So I felt the need to list all the reasons why crazy Japan is unique and why you need to see it for yourself!

Five weeks in Japan and a lifetime of memories – sounds cheesy, but it’s true. I can’t actually believe it was only 35 nights, I did so much and experienced so many new sights, ideas and ways of life in crazy Japan. The memories can get lost in time though, and replaced by new ones on top so I wanted to share a few things from Japan that I definitely don’t want to forget.
In Japan I felt like I never really knew what was happening – if I had any sort of plan it went right out the window. I was always bamboozled when it came to feeding time: where to go, what to choose, how to eat it, the correct etiquette and the right time to pay the bill. There’s no chance of reading a sign, or trying to decipher the language in such a short space of time.
In Japan they’ve turned everything on its head from what I’m used to. The skeleton is the same, but the flesh is completely different.
- Why just have a toilet that flushes when you can have one that’s self heating, has many an option for washing your bits and even plays music when you want some privacy?
- What’s the point in a bath for one when you could have a bath with 20 strangers, starkers?
- Even sleeping: who needs a Western style bed when you could sleep on a futon on the floor, in a capsule or in a den?
As well as these contests to the norm, there were a few other things that crazy Japan does differently to the Brits.
47 Things I Love About Crazy Japan
My time in Japan was definitely…crazy, and here are the most interesting things I witnessed.
1. There are tens of flavours of Kit Kat. I tried apple, chilli and green tea – green tea came out on top in my taste test.

2. Every shop worker gives the receipts earnestly, doe eyed and with two hands, as if it’s the most precious thing they ever did hold, Even when it’s for water in a 7/11.
3. Some supermarket workers read out what every item is as they put through the till.
4. Girls in Sapporo still wear tiny skirts even though it’s -4C and I’m wrapped up to the eyebrows.
5. On the train the conductors bow and tip their uniform hat to the carriage when they come to check your ticket. They do the same again when they leave as if they’re doing some army march.
6. Some buses and trams have a system where you take a ticket when you get on with a number on it. Then there’s a big electronic board at the front of the bus that tells you how much your number has to pay, it goes up as you go further.

7. You can drink the tap water, everywhere.
8. About 80% of people wear surgical masks (in January anyway) and you’ll see them reach for them to make them tighter on their face if you show any sign of a little cough.
9. In bars and restaurants they give you a basket to put your things in under the table so you don’t have to put your bag on the floor.
10. There’s an aviary in the centre of Sapporo Odori Station with budgies.

11. At some subway stations, including Ryogku in Tokyo, they play birdsong over the loudspeaker.
12. On the subway in Tokyo they have ‘no phone’ areas. In one there was a right old fusspot of a lady who was ensuring everyone stuck to the rule. She booted the guys out for even playing on them silently.
13. You think you know sandwiches – but when it comes with strawberries and cream in it you realise it’s a wonderful quirk of crazy Japan, not the same as your average tuna mayo at home.
14. Sumo wrestlers are real, are huge celebrities yet still wander around the supermarkets.

15. You have to take your shoes off everywhere – including certain restaurants and shops. I even saw some business men taking them off on the train.
16. I saw a woman bow down to a lion statue outside an office.
17. The service is so nice, kind and caring, but for this Londoner it’s a lot slower than London. The people in Osaka Starbucks wouldn’t last a minute in Oxford Circus!
18. Green tea comes in powder form, and it’s a lot nicer.
19. The Shinkansen trains are fancy, spacious and have everything you could possibly need. They also offer a full on dinner service with bento boxes.

20. In among the usual city buildings it’s normal to see a temple or shrine pagoda sticking out above the skyline.
21. You can get refunds on your train and subway tickets if you buy the wrong one – and they’re nice about it.
22. They have this delicious alcoholic lemon drink called Kirin, that’s 6%. It’s like pop (photo next to the bento box above).
23. In some restaurants you’ll find the menu separated by the part of animal it comes from. I grew particularly fond of the ‘aorta section’.

24. Even the toilets on top of the ski mountains had heated seats in crazy Japan!
25. In shops the tills dispense the correct change rather than the shop assistant having to count it out.
26. You pay when you get off a bus rather than when you get on.
27. The scenery on some of the train routes is absolutely incredible and make the Japan JR Pass worth the money tenfold. You can buy an JR Pass online from an official vendor before you go for cheaper than buying one whilst you are there.

28. Some restaurants have buzzers on the table so you can summon the waiting staff when you want them.
29. They love their dogs. I saw a cake shop for dogs, and a beauty salon and hotel for them too. Wtf?! I love crazy Japan 🙂
30. You’re always welcomed in an eatery with a glass of water and green tea.
31. Some towns in Hokkaido, like Hakodate, have foot baths in the centre to make use of the hot springs while you shop.

32. No one blinks an eyelid at the anime buses and trams that decorate the cities. No local anyway – the tourists are all happy snapping away.
33. All restaurants are covered in pictures of food, and with plastic replicas. I don’t know how I’ll possibly ever order anything again without a photo.
34. Japanese people will go out of their way to show you the way if you ask for directions. Once had two little old ladies walk about a mile with me to show me the station, felt well guilty but they were gossiping away to each other the whole route. Think they enjoyed it.
35. I gave up my seat for an old dear on the Tokyo subway and then another old dear gave me a present and kept bowing to me for doing so. She looked so proud of me.
36. All the cleaning staff for the Shinkansen trains have this awesome pink uniform.

37. When you go in a shop with an umbrella they give you a special umbrella bag to keep it in.
38. When you try on clothes in shops they give you a bag to go over you head to protect their clothes.
39. People in Tokyo sleep a lot, everywhere. Benches, subways, restaurants – they’re not fussy.
40. Coloured contact lenses are a huge thing here as teenage girls want to look like anime characters and choose ones specially made to make their eyes look bigger.

41. I also saw a girl on the tube gluing her eyelids back with some weird white substance. I asked someone in the know and they said it’s just another way of making the balls looks bigger. Yikes.
42. Schoolgirls do actually wear socks pulled up to their knees and tiny skirts, whatever the weather.
43. You can go days with just eating from vending machines – they have everything!
44. Japan is definitely not all healthy sushi. They’re obsessed with cakes, pancakes and frying everything. Not somewhere to go if you’re on a diet. I had an elk burger that was served in a pancake once – true story, here’s the photo to prove it.

45. You can get black sea urchin pizza – but I didn’t try it. Regret.
46. You get given pyjamas at the hotels – but I didn’t try them. More regret.
47. In restaurants the staff screech at you with “irasshaimaseeeeeee” to welcome you, and then again to say goodbye. Makes you feel kind of special, y’know?
Which Japanese quirk makes you want to visit?
READ MORE: 3 week itinerary for a visit to Japan
What makes Japan so unique?
That is huge question with so many answers! It has a rich culture of arts such as calligraphy, tea ceremonies, manga, anime and J-Pop. Japanese cuisine, including sushi, tempura, ramen, and more, is loved throughout the world! Traditional clothing such as the kimono are adores as is the diverse landscape which ranges from mountains, forests to its famous skyscrapers. Cherry blossoms blooming in spring are always a beautiful symbol of Japan too. There’s so much more I could mention, it’s crazy Japan has so many to choose from!
Why is Japan so attractive?
All the landscape, the culture and the people make Japan a wonderful and welcoming place to visit, or indeed live! The Japanese are known for their warm hospitality, their respect (lots of bowing), their love and offerings of green tea; mix this with their respectful mix of religions and it makes Japan very attractive. At the same time their architecture is beautiful; a mix of traditional ornate wooden structures, their instantly recognisable sliding doors and of course Tokyo’s modern wonders.
Why do people love Japan?
In a world that can be so crazy Japan is a wonderful tonic with is respectful, polite and courteous nature. As I mentioned above, they will go out of their way to help a lost tourist by walking them to their destination! It’s also crazy Japan manages to be one of the cleanest countries in the world with it’s population! Everything from taking their shoes off when entering houses, restaurants and even some shops and offices; to the fancy toilets which have various settings to clean lots of things in various ways! When a country is so welcoming, clean, beautiful and also has rich pop cultural offerings like Japan it would be impossible not to love it!
The people in Tokyo sleep everywhere because they are sleeping off a hangover lol
Hmm, you could be right there! At least for some people anyway. Definitely a city that likes to drink.
Amazing list of things to keep in mind for when I finally visit Japan – hopefully soon. Crazy that the girls wear miniskirts still in winter time!
I’ve worked in Japan twice so I’m always interested in other perspectives about the Japan. You mentioned some things about buses I had forgotten about.
Wow!! Love this! You’re a well mannered young lady!! Xx
Ha, thank you Kellie 🙂 I was bought up well and met some nice people along the way.
Brilliant observation!!! Think my biggest memories from Japan were seeing people out in the town in their yakata. I loved the concept, but never managed to venture beyond the onsen with one on. Blessing a new car in the temple was also interesting. My hubby’s favourite from the trip was the beer vending machines and the delight at trying to find the machine with the biggest can and seeing if the noise as it arrived was different to a smaller can from the same machine – hours of endless observation and drinking.
Ah yeah, I forgot about the yakata. I’m sure lots of other things will come into mind as I remember my trip. Japan just feels like a different land. I loved it! And I’ll need to go back to play the beer game…
These types of random observations are exactly why I can’t wait to go to Japan one day. I’d walk around with a notebook writing down everything unusual I came across. Is this pretty much what you did?!
Kind of, but used photos as my notebook. I was just snapping away at anything I thought was cool. It’s a different world Jayne! I hope you get out there one day. I’m already thinking about how and when I can get out there again.
Wow, this makes me want to add Japan to my list of places I NEED to visit!! I had never thought about going there before, didn’t even know much about it! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂 🙂 xxx
Loved the post, Vicky – heading for Japan March 2016 and now can’t wait to get to grips with a plateful of ‘hard sinew’.
Thanks Ian! You’re going to love it. So much weird stuff to enjoy over there – it’s like a different world.
Vicky I’ve been fascinated by your posts about Japan and you’re seriously making me want to go!
You should! As you can tell – I loved it!
I’ve always been fascinated by Japan and I’m hoping to go snowboarding there at some point.
I love that a lady gave you a present for giving up your seat! Sounds like you encountered plenty of bonkers and charming things on your trip. 🙂
Yep, I sure did! Yeah, she gave me a little keyring thing that looked handmade. I like to keep it in my pocket to remind me to be a good person 🙂
This post makes me want to go to Japan right NOW! Number 34, 35 and 37 made me smile. My Japanese friend brought me green tea flavoured Kit Kat when she went home last, it’s absolutely delicious! The usual type just don’t cut it no more.
Japan is definitely a unique place! I really don’t know why they don’t have the different flavoured Kit Kats here – I reckon everyone would go for them!
Yeah, and it’s not just KitKat. As new things come out regularly, there’s always so much new stuff to try out. ^-^
Some people are addicted. :3
I’ve been living in Japan for 7 years now. Originally I come from a rather cold country, but that doesn’t mean I could survive winter in a short skirt. However, Japanese girls are used to wearing short skirts in winter as that’s their school uniform anyways. ^^;
So, I’m not surprised if some just continue wearing skirts in their free time as well. I’d certainly die. T_T
Interesting. In my home country you can drink the tap water as well, so I never really noticed that that’s something special. ^^;
*raises hand* I’m one of the 80% who’s always wearing a mask, especially in spring with all the pollen. 🙁
Green tea doesn’t come in powder. The only green tea in powder form is Matcha. It’s used for tea ceremonies and stuff. It’s very bitter, but there are many Matcha products nowadays (yes, even KitKat), so it’s very popular. 🙂
The heated toilet seats are the BEST thing ever! I have one in my apartment, too.
Hot spas for only your feet can be found almost everywhere in Japan. Most onsen towns have them and I love them to bits and pieces. ^^
A very interesting list and for me who’s been in Japan for too long to notice these tiny things, it was really entertaining.
Thanks a lot for sharing! ^_____^
Thanks for your comment! It’s been interesting to have your experienced perspective on all my observations so thanks for staying with me 🙂