5 Things to Consider When Booking a Skiing Holiday

Planning a skiing holiday can be a bit more daunting than your usual trip, particularly for first timers. There’s a sense that you could easily overwhelm yourself by turning up to a very expensive, exclusive, and advanced ski resort where you have no idea on how to get started. 

Italy skiing

Fortunately, ski holiday deals at Esquiades.com and the like offer a broad range of options; regions, skill levels, and budget… it’s a spectrum.

So with that in mind, let’s jump right into the five crucial things to take into account when booking your trip.

1. Determine your skiing ability

Before you even begin to explore which destinations you may want to visit, take a moment to assess your skiing ability and that of your travel companions. Are you beginners looking for gentle slopes and expert tuition? Or perhaps you’re seasoned professionals looking to jump straight into challenging terrains? Get to know the difficulty colours (i.e. Blue = easy, Red = intermediate, Black = expert).

Selecting a resort that matches your skill level will not only ensure safety but also guarantee an enjoyable experience. Many resorts offer a mix of blue, red, and black runs, but some are better suited to certain skill levels than others.

2. Consider the timing of your trip

Timing can make or break a skiing holiday. It may sound obvious, but the worst case scenario is booking a trip only for it to unexpectedly not have any snow.

The most obvious thing to consider is the season. While winter is the peak time for skiing in the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere’s skiing season is from June to August. You can go off peak, but have a look at historical weather reports of the time you want to book.

Also, consider school holidays. Resorts can be crowded during these times, which might impact your experience. If you prefer quieter slopes, you might wish to avoid peak times. But, many relish the ski scene at its most vibrant…

3. Research resort facilities and amenities

A skiing holiday is not just about the slopes; it’s about the overall experience. Resorts differ greatly in the facilities they offer. Some cater specifically to families, with childcare services, play areas, and family-friendly activities. Others might cater to those seeking luxury with upscale restaurants, spas, and exclusive clubs. 

For those keen on learning or refining their skiing skills, the availability of ski schools and the quality of instructors is a pivotal factor to consider. 

4. Budget accordingly

Skiing holidays can vary significantly in cost. Accommodation, ski pass prices, equipment rental, lessons, and even the cost of dining can fluctuate from one resort to another. Only you know your budget, but consider that there are cheaper alternatives to Switzerland and French alps, such as in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. 

5. Think about travel logistics

While a remote, picturesque ski resort might seem appealing, consider how accessible it is. Check flight routes, airport proximity to the resort, and available transportation options. Some resorts offer shuttle services, while others might require you to hire a car. Also, consider the length of the transfer. After a long flight, a lengthy and challenging journey to the resort might not be ideal. 

In conclusion, a skiing holiday offers whatever you want it to, as long as you make your decision based on budget, location, difficulty, logistics, and timing.

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