66 Positive Affirmations for Writers, to Inspire Your Best Work
If you’ve got a touch of writer’s block, these positive affirmations for writers will inspire you to put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, and let those words flow…

Positive affirmations are an effective way to change your life and create a mindset for more self-love and success by learning to consciously direct your thoughts.
Everything starts with your thoughts. Because only your thoughts generate your feelings, you make decisions that ultimately determine your reality.
Your thoughts create your feelings.
So every emotion is preceded by a thought.
You must become aware of this. Because we often think that a certain event or situation evokes a feeling in us. But in between, there is always (!) first, consciously or unconsciously, a thought that evaluates the event.
So how do affirmations help us change our thoughts, and where can we find the best affirmations for writers?
How can affirmations help us?
Affirmations are positively worded sentences that are either said in silence or, even better, pronounced out loud. For example, in the morning in front of the mirror, on the way to work or in the evening before sleep. Each of these statements is energy, like any thought we ever think.

It is up to us to consciously choose which energies we want to connect to. Whether we want to be happy, loving, and mindful of ourselves and whether we concentrate on the beautiful and positive things in life or on the whining and nagging.
We can influence ourselves with our thoughts. Because regardless of whether we focus on the positive or the negative, we will draw more of it into our lives accordingly. Every thought thus makes you either a master or a slave of your life.
Every thought comes back to you as a reality.
Everyone thinks about 60,000 thoughts a day, and many of our behaviour patterns result from these without being aware of it. These thoughts influence us and act as positive or negative reinforcers.
Since our thoughts are closely related to our emotions (as already said, they precede every feeling), we can use affirmations to regulate our feelings. We can use them to transform negative beliefs into positive ones.
Our brain works like a muscle. The more we practice it, the more practiced and stronger it becomes. Therefore, make it a habit to say the affirmations out loud or softly to yourself once a day. And with each exercise, the positive and self-affirming phrases and thoughts will become your reality.
I recommend that you say these affirmations for writers at least once a day over a period of about three to four weeks, and above all, feel! Your subconscious will notice when you don’t believe what has been said.
So, feel deep within yourself as you utter the affirmations. Let your feelings flood through every cell in your body. Of joy, happiness, love…
The more you use the affirmations, the easier it will be for you, and you will feel the positive effect faster.
Positive affirmations for writers
So, if you’re writing and you’ve come to a stumbling block – changing the way your mind works will help with the words.

Next time you’re stuck with what to write, use these positive affirmations for writers to get you back on track.
Choose a few of these positive affirmations for writers, write them out and put them somewhere visible to inspire your written vocabulary.
The best positive affirmations for writers
1. I believe in myself and my success as a writer.
2. I am a successful, talented, disciplined, and passionate writer.
3. I deserve to be successful and happy.
4. I make people happy with my texts and books.
5. I know what I can do and I’m proud of it!
6. I write more confidently every day.
7. My head is free for exciting formulations and surprising ideas!
8. I enjoy writing (again) and the texts flow out of me.
9. I have a lot of well-paying customers, and I do great work for them.
10. My imagination and creativity are gifts that I live and put on paper.
11. The universe guides me as I write.
12. I love my creativity and I implement my ideas successfully.
13. With my words, I give other people courage and comfort.
14. I make people happy with my texts.
15. My best book is still ahead of me.
16. I am a talented, successful, and passionate writer.
17. If I write and guide myself, I will find the direction.
18. I trust the universe to guide me as I write.
19. I let myself be guided and guided when I write.

READ MORE: Affirmations for Money Abundance
20. My profession is that of a writer. My art is writing.
21. Constructive criticism from others and myself improves my writing.
22. Rejection is an important step in the process.
23. I am a creative person. My words flow effortlessly and gracefully.
24. I write confidently and enthusiastically every day.
25. I can visualise success and the patience and talent to achieve it.
26. I have the potential to be a successful writer.
27. I can conjure up vivid images and transfer them to paper.
28. I am not subject to the opinions of others.
29. It is not my job to judge the work; it is my job to write it.
30. I am completely dedicated to my writing.
31. I make a good living as a writer.
32. I am entitled to be compensated for my efforts.
33. My writing allows me to support myself and my family.

34. I have the ability.
35. I get the job done no matter my thoughts or emotions.
36. I am free of other people’s emotions and influences.
37. I separate myself from other people’s viewpoints.
38. I can write anywhere, at any time.
39. I have everything I need to complete this task.
40. A force greater than myself directs my creative process. I’m never by myself.
41. I have an endless supply of creative ideas.
42. My writing skills are improving in quality.
43. I am a gifted writer who has no trouble expressing myself.
44. I’m a very creative person who always finishes what I start.
45. I have an endless supply of creative ideas.
46. My writing skills are improving in quality.
47. I am a gifted writer who has no trouble expressing myself.
48. I’m confident that I’ll reach the pinnacle of my profession.
49. My ability to write is in high demand.
50. It’s natural for me to be enthusiastic about my work and writing.
51. I never fail to meet deadlines.
52. I allow myself to unwind and find new writing inspiration.
53. I will build on and expand on my previous accomplishments.
54. I’m a naturally creative individual.
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55. A great writer makes an emotional connection with his or her audience – I’m a fantastic writer!
56. Fear and resistance become the focus of my attention. Its presence is acceptable to me.
57. My writing abilities are improving.
58. My mind is brimming with fantastic writing ideas.
59. I can create anything I can imagine.
60. My words are significant.
61. I’m attracting the best writing opportunities for me right now.
62. Every day, I improve my unique abilities.
63. I have the necessary skills to succeed and thrive.
64. I am 100% committed to writing something every single day!
65. I am the master of my fate.
66. My natural state is to be intensely creative.
The best writing affirmations
I hope these positive affirmations for writers have helped you to see how valid and valued your words are. Writing them has definitely helped me to think more positively, and to believe my words contribute to the world!
I hope you feel the same.
Hi Vicky! I’ve been using your affirmations for writers everyday and I love them 😀 I journal a couple positive sentences every morning and your affirmations are a great starting point. Thank you for putting them out there!