My Tips for Travelling Vietnam Solo

I’ve travelled Vietnam solo, with an ex boyfriend, and in a tour group – I’ve done it all. From travelling the world solo for three years I can definitely say that Vietnam is one of the easiest places to travel alone, with the main cities and destinations within the country all well set up for solo travellers.

If you’re a bit anxious about travelling Vietnam alone, I thought I’d put together a few of my top tips to help you feel more confident.

two weeks in vietnam

If you want to make friends in Vietnam…

The easiest way to make friends when you’re travelling solo is to stay at hostels known for their social atmosphere. It’s easy to search by that on HostelWorld. Just look for one that has a bar, or shows off about how open and friendly it is. The prices in Vietnam mean you could push the boat out a little, and stay in a private room in a hostel to get the best of both worlds.

If you just want someone to eat with…

Always eat at busy restaurants in Vietnam. Not only does that confirm the quality of the food, it also shows that that particular restaurant’s food will have a high turnover and so won’t have been sitting around too long, fermenting.

Also, at busy restaurants, you might get seated by the other tourists, meaning you can make a friend. And it’s easy to get away if you don’t particularly like them at the end of the meal.

The best way to let your food make you friends though is by joining a food tour. Normally you have two options: either you join group food tours, where you can hang out with other fellow travellers, or, if you want to connect with the locals too, check out the private offers on platforms like Withlocals. They have a great street food tour in Hanoi for example.
Generally, you’ll visit a few restaurants in the area, have a bit of a historical and cultural lesson on what you’re eating, and get to chat with a local who can recommend some great places to eat in your destination, as well as activities and things to see in the area. Nothing like a recommendation from a local!
Honestly, food tours are one of my absolute most favourite things to do when I’m travelling solo.

If you just want some peace and quiet…

Some of us travel alone for a reason – that delicious peace and quiet and freedom to explore where and how we want. If you’re travelling Vietnam alone to be alone, always carry a book or a notebook with you. You need to look as disinterested as possible in meeting other people.

Backpacking in Vietnam

Places like Sapa and Hue are a little less populated than the big cities so you can get away from the craziness a bit there. Also, the beaches of Hoi An are really nice. Oh, and make sure to check out Phu Quoc. I had a fantastic week there where I barely spoke to anyone. Dreamy.

You could check out these unique Vietnam hotels so you know you’ve got a lush hotel room to retreat back to after a day of sightseeing.

More advice for travelling in Vietnam

Click here to read all my advice on travelling to Vietnam. I’ve got over 30 posts, so you’ll be well prepared! 

If you want to travel around Vietnam with confidence…

I felt very safe travelling solo in Vietnam. The only time I worried about my stuff, as a solo traveller, was falling asleep on overnight public transport. If you want the security of someone else to help look after things, buddy up with someone in your hostel for a while. Plan your next few days of travel based on what they’re doing too.

There’s a very strong and apparent route through Vietnam. This means that most of the backpackers there are doing the same Vietnam itinerary as you are. Open your heart and make a friend!

READ MORE: How to Use the Vietnam Sleeper Buses

If you want to buy something…

When you’re travelling solo in Vietnam you might be at a slight disadvantage when it comes to buying things and paying for stuff. When haggling I like to have a bit of back up going on. So we can help each other out to get a better price.

Prices in Vietnam might not be like what they are at home, depending on where your home is. Everything is negotiable and if they don’t want to sell it to you, they won’t. I usually think about what I’d be happy to pay and go in a little under that. They’ll bring it up a bit and then we’ll both win.

READ MORE: The Cost of 3 Days in Ho Chi Minh City

Paying for taxis is a little different. In Vietnam you just need to make sure they have it on the meter when you get in. The final price will show and there might be a little charge on top but it’ll be cheap – there’s no haggling. Always use Mai Linh or Vinasun taxis. I’ve never had a problem with the taxis in Vietnam in all the six weeks I’ve spent there. You’ll be fine!

If you want to cross the road…

Trying to cross the road in Vietnam

Crossing the road in Vietnam may seem like quite the challenge. If you’re in Vietnam alone for the first time, and need to get to the other side, the trick is to hide behind a local who’s crossing and go when they do and match their stride. Don’t falter, or hesitate, just go and the traffic will weave around you in sweet harmony.

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How to travel vietnam solo

Travelling Vietnam solo

I felt confident and happy in travelling Vietnam solo and I’d recommend it to anyone. It’s an easy country to travel around and with so many beautiful sites to see and amazing things to eat, you’ll have a great time!

More on Vietnam

Probably the Best Two-Week Itinerary for Vietnam on the Internet

Your Guide to Where to Go in Vietnam 

Cycling from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City


  1. Hi, I am 58 and planning a solo trip in sept 2020. Am in the process of helping my last son get on his way. prior to selling everything. I would like to ask, when you travelled solo and came across sites, was you backpack items safe on your bike, how did you hide your passport and other items.

    Appreciate the help

    Ontario, Canada

    1. Do you mean on the cycling trip I did?

      Every night we were in a hotel so our stuff was safe in there. And during the day we had a support vehicle which drove along side us. This had all our possessions on it safely.

      I think if you’re doing it yourself, without support, you can keep it in a bumbag on your front, or just in the bag you’re carrying. At no point did I feel threatened in Vietnam. I genuinely think it was one of the safest countries I’ve been to.

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